Here is the IDG300 axis gyro. As you can see i connected it to the 3.3V connection and the other pins directly to the analog port on the arduino. This way there is just one wire to run and you get a simple way to just plug in the breakout board into the arduino.
Looking to buy or find the datasheetLook here.

Features of the IDG300

• X- and Y-axis gyro on a single chip
• Factory trimmed full scale range of ±500°/sec
• Integrated low-pass filters
• Superior vibration rejection over a wide frequency range
• High cross-axis isolation by design
• 3V single supply operation
• 5000 g shock tolerance
• RoHS compliant (completely lead free)
• 6 x 6 x 1.5mm QFN package

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 IDG300 Gyro
 Reads IDG300 Gyro and communicates the data
 to the computer.  The pins used are designed to be easily
 compatible with the breakout boards from Sparkfun, available from:

 The circuit:
 analog 3: xout
 analog 2: vref output
 analog 1: yout
 analog 0: GND

// these constants describe the pins. They won't change:
const int groundPin = 14;             // analog input pin 0 -- ground
const int xout = 3;                   // xout
const int vref = 2;                   // reference voltage has no meaning here
const int yout = 1;                   // yout

void setup()
  // initialize the serial communications:

  // Provide ground by using the analog inputs as normal
  // digital pins. This makes it possible to directly connect the
  // breakout board to the Arduino. Just to be safe I connected 3.3v
  // to the appropriate power supply on the arduino and not to a digital pin. 
  pinMode(groundPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(groundPin, LOW); 

void loop()
  // print the sensor values:
  // print a tab between values:
  // print a tab between values:
  // delay before next reading:

You can download the program here. Its just a simple software to demonstrate the device.
It was used in some quite sophisticated projects such as the Elektor Segway Clone.
I have not used it on my version of this.



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